Thursday, October 30, 2008

Liscence to ill

Today im off work with the dreaded lurgie.
After a few days of having just a sore throat I have been taken over by aching muscles which was joined by trippy head and a constant feeling of being really hot but when taking the covers or jumper off feeling really cold. Nice.
But this is not a post to have a whinge. It is to bring comfort and home remedys to others if they happen to feel a little ill this winter.

Its recipe time!!!

Bryns Home-made Lemsip.

  • Half a lemon
  • A nobble of ginger
  • Honey
  • Echinacea
  • boiling water
  1. Chop up ginger into thin slices
  2. Cut lemon in half and then into quarters and squeeze the hell out of it into a mug
  3. Add the ginger and a healthy dollop of honey to the mug
  4. Open up the capsual of echinacea and pour the powder into the mix. (or add drops if in liquid form or crush up a tablet)
  5. Pour on freshly boiled water
  6. Stir it up!
  7. Slurp it down and feel the goodness massage your throat and warm up your belly. Serve with a nice biscuit or some eggy bread.
  8. Feel better

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