Thursday, August 14, 2008

Roots Manuva

Roots Manuva - Slime & Reason

Ah Roots Manuva has a new album out!
Where to start? Basically without gushing too much, it's Roots Manuva, if you dont already love this guy then get to know!
Since being 15 and being literally dragged by patl (paulorder) to a dark and grim back room in the Black Swan in Easton Bristol, only to find a packed aromatic room full of an amazing crowd of Red Stripe swigging, dub bouncing, spliff smoking Bristolians about to witness (sorry) something very special.
That night pretty much paved the way for me into a world of hip hop, dub, regae and even grime. The UK hip hop scene was amazing and something pretty special for me growing up.
So back to Mr Manuva - I've read a few reviews for thsi new album and im looking forward to something spectaclear, the word is its some of his finest work to date.


P.S: The lovely sleeve for the Slime & Reason is designed by Oscar & Ewan (

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