Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Camera Barcodes

I received my yearly phone update this morning and I have delved into the fascinating world of camera phones, having previously shunned the technology, specifically choosing phones without a camera preferring to use a proper one and take real photos.
However I lost my camera at Glastonbury this year so reluctantly decided that the time was right to succumb to the medium I have frowned upon for so long.

The benefits of having a camera on your phone isn't just taking videos of happy slapping but there is a whole host of other uses, my favourite being 'Smart Barcodes'.

You may have noticed these funny little square patterns turning up everywhere from shampoo bottles to electricity bills and billboards, they are barcodes specifically designed for camera phones to read.
All you need to do is download some free software to your phone ( and now when you hold your phone up to one of the barcodes the camera scans it and links you straight to a website with more information about the product and special offers.
Clever stuff.

There is also a section on the website to build your own barcode for free. Brilliant!
This could be used for a number of creative uses. My first was to make a barcode to link to my blog to put on my CV. Who knows what crazy ideas il come up with next, I could plaster stickers around London like hypertech-cyber-graffiti-links.

The possibilities are incredible...

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