Monday, August 18, 2008

JR more amzingness!

JR in The Flavelas of Rio De Janeiro - As part of JRs Women are heroes project.
The Absolute scale of JRs work is unfathomable! I don't think he ever sleeps as every week he has new stuff up. His latest work is stunning! adding light to these pieces adds a complete new dimension to the impact of his pieces.
Check it out in detail on the site click on the map of South America and then the Actions link to see more amazing photographs like these.

Playful Spaces

Bus Stop Swing

Bruno Taylor - a student at St Martins of Art and Design. High jacking public spaces to make them more playful.

"This project is a study into different ways of bringing play back into public space. It focuses on ways of incorporating incidental play in the public realm by not so much as having separate play equipment that dictates the users but by using existing furniture and architectural elements that indicate playful behaviour for all.

This video is compelling, I love the way people investigate the swing first before deciding to sit on it and have a bloody good swing.
Good work.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Roots Manuva

Roots Manuva - Slime & Reason

Ah Roots Manuva has a new album out!
Where to start? Basically without gushing too much, it's Roots Manuva, if you dont already love this guy then get to know!
Since being 15 and being literally dragged by patl (paulorder) to a dark and grim back room in the Black Swan in Easton Bristol, only to find a packed aromatic room full of an amazing crowd of Red Stripe swigging, dub bouncing, spliff smoking Bristolians about to witness (sorry) something very special.
That night pretty much paved the way for me into a world of hip hop, dub, regae and even grime. The UK hip hop scene was amazing and something pretty special for me growing up.
So back to Mr Manuva - I've read a few reviews for thsi new album and im looking forward to something spectaclear, the word is its some of his finest work to date.


P.S: The lovely sleeve for the Slime & Reason is designed by Oscar & Ewan (

Burger Shoe

Olle Hemmendorffs Nike Air Max 90 Burger

Olle was commissioned along with 7 other creative types to interpret a Nike Icon. As you can see he has turned the Air Max trainers into a burger.
Weather or not there's deep routed symbolism and metaphors about modern consumerism and capitalism in his interpretation or not, its a brilliant piece of work.
I cant wait to buy a pair, especially seeing as iv been running everyday recently, it can get a bit peckish around Victoria Park when the pavillions not open. Just gota watch out for the dog walkers and geese, suppose it will encourage me to run faster.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Camera Barcodes

I received my yearly phone update this morning and I have delved into the fascinating world of camera phones, having previously shunned the technology, specifically choosing phones without a camera preferring to use a proper one and take real photos.
However I lost my camera at Glastonbury this year so reluctantly decided that the time was right to succumb to the medium I have frowned upon for so long.

The benefits of having a camera on your phone isn't just taking videos of happy slapping but there is a whole host of other uses, my favourite being 'Smart Barcodes'.

You may have noticed these funny little square patterns turning up everywhere from shampoo bottles to electricity bills and billboards, they are barcodes specifically designed for camera phones to read.
All you need to do is download some free software to your phone ( and now when you hold your phone up to one of the barcodes the camera scans it and links you straight to a website with more information about the product and special offers.
Clever stuff.

There is also a section on the website to build your own barcode for free. Brilliant!
This could be used for a number of creative uses. My first was to make a barcode to link to my blog to put on my CV. Who knows what crazy ideas il come up with next, I could plaster stickers around London like hypertech-cyber-graffiti-links.

The possibilities are incredible...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Inspiring Films

So just as I figured out the credit crunch isnt a breakfast cereal and my very sad looking bank account is taking the strain of London living, the fantastic world of free preview screenings of new movies has been an amazing source of inspiration.

This week I have seen 2 superb pieces of cinema:

1. Man on Wire

Following the events leading up to and culminating in the worlds greatest artistic crime, Man on Wire tells the story of Phillipe Pettit a young Frenchman who tight-rope walks between the Twin Towers in New York.
The movie is semi documentary and semi Heist story pieced together using original footage, photographs, first hand accounts from the people involved including the very charismatic Phillipe himself and brilliantly executed reconstructions.
This is a very inspirational piece of cinema and is a fantastic celebration of the twin towers.

2. Somers Town

Being a massive fan of Shane Meadows I have been looking forward to seeing this for a while having watching little clips here and there on youtube.
If you are aware of Shane Meadows previous movies (Deadmans Shoes, This Is England etc) you will be pleased to know that this does not disappoint. There's not so much of a story line rather a study of London life in the area known as Somers Town between Euston, Kings Cross and St Pancreas Train Stations following the lives of 2 young boys new to the area. The first being Tomo having travelled to the city on his own to escape his meaningless life in the Midlands. The second being Marek who has come to London from Poland with his father.
It is pure Shane Meadows magic. The sound track and the film work are amazingly pieced together in a way only he can. Beautiful scenes of relationships and interaction with the city makes you come away feeling very warm in contrast to the evocative horror of Deadmans Shoes, This is England, 24seven and A Room for Romeo Brass. Definitely Shane's feel good movie, it is also a brilliant comedy movie and one to watch again and again.

I'm looking forward to the DVD releases when hopefully my bank manager will let me have a trip to Fopp.

Free Fun, Yes please.

Monday, August 11, 2008

This is B R Y N log

First day of London jobhunt v3.0 and first day of B R Y N log.

I now Blog
I am now a blogger.

It took me several cups of tea and pleanty of Olympics watching to come up with my fantastically original name. Ideas that were thrown out of the window include: brynandtonic or brynandjuice if your feeling abit more g-funk, B L Y N B R O G (see what i did there) and also TaffSez. it took until the end of the box of PG tips and lots of cursing at AndyMurrey to realise they were all crap.

Welcome to B R Y N log

Look forward to blogging with you all.

is this right?