Monday, August 11, 2008

This is B R Y N log

First day of London jobhunt v3.0 and first day of B R Y N log.

I now Blog
I am now a blogger.

It took me several cups of tea and pleanty of Olympics watching to come up with my fantastically original name. Ideas that were thrown out of the window include: brynandtonic or brynandjuice if your feeling abit more g-funk, B L Y N B R O G (see what i did there) and also TaffSez. it took until the end of the box of PG tips and lots of cursing at AndyMurrey to realise they were all crap.

Welcome to B R Y N log

Look forward to blogging with you all.

is this right?


Chris Davies said...

Nice name. Nice blog.

Generally "well done".


Holy Crappoli said...

Ich liebe Ihr blog, Sie geheimnisvoller Waliser! xxx