Monday, November 03, 2008

Vote 08

I'm not claiming to have a huge biasty towards any particular party and your not gona see me out on the streets of London riding a donkey preaching that anyone is the black Jesus because I simply do not know enough, but I'd like to think I know a little more than most on the subject and I don't mean from what Cheryl Crow or the Black Eyed Peas have told me.
I will be watching tomorrow with greatest of interest and apprehension and any other emotions that the 'democratic' selection of the most powerful politician in the world can conjour up in a person with even the slightest interest in their own or the worlds future.

Wikipedia has a great bit of background knowledge which is definitely worth a read and the BBC site has a nice little guide to election night in plain (British) English.
I for one will be drinking Redstripe when the Republicans win a state and Blue Pandapops when the Democrats win a state...
... so fingers crossed I'll be bouncing off the walls rather than drunk in a gutter by result time.

People say its in the bag, but don't forget we voted Boris Johnson as Mayor of London.

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