Friday, March 20, 2009

My First Podcast

I made a mix for the already legendary Locast podcasts.
You can subscribe to the podcast here using itunes
when the box pops up click launch application and it will take you to itunes where you can subscribe.
It is FREE, you just need to log on using your itunes/apple log on which you should have if you own an ipod and have registered it.

Or if your not too hot on pod-casts and all the new technology then you can download it as an mp3 here and keep it for ever:
My First Podast.mp3
Drop the file into your itunes or whichever software you use to play music.

Give the rest of the mixes a listen too.
Theres a pretty eclectic mix with sets from Patl aka PaulOrder , Lo , and a-filter.

Check out the podcasts direcotry at the Locast site:

Here is the tracklisting for my mix:

Palmitos Park – El Guincho
Lips - Micachu & The Shapes
Straight to Hell - The Clash
Kamphopo - The Very Best (Esau Mwamwaya & Radioclit)
Way More Brazil - Diplo
Bucky Done Gun - M.I.A.
Shimmy Shimmy Ya - Ol' Dirty Bastard
Again & Again - Roots Manuva
Poison Dart ft Warrior Queen - The Bug
Where's My Money (Caspa Remix) - TC
Opera - Bass Clef
Money Folder (Four Tet Remix) - Madvillain
Sabali - Amadou & Mariam
My Night With The Prostitute From Marseille - Realpeople
Smile Upon Me - Passion Pit
The Bears Are Coming - Late Of The Pier
Brother Sport - Animal Collective
All My Friends - LCD Soundsystem

Monday, February 23, 2009

Duck Bus

The weekend just got better and better!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Ant Colony

What a subterrain ant colony looks like

This is simply incredible!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Heroes Pt. 4

Stephen & Jay
Cheers to PK for sending me this one

a bit of fry and jay z from defyingdarwin on Vimeo.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Good News

I bought my first paper in a good couple of months this weekend (I had stopped buying newspapers becuase I find all the news a little too depressing at the moment) but I bought the observer on Sunday morning because I was having a lazy day.
But this weekend there was some good news. the main being the election in the US. Very positive news and a great outlook for the future. Brilliant stuff.

But the news that really made me smile this weekend was a little news story from my hometown of Bristol. I think this story is great. Here it be:
Original story from BBC

Thief sent 'sorry' letter to shop

The owner of an Indian food store in Bristol has received an apology letter and £100 from a former drug addict who stole cigarettes from the shop in 2001.

Imran Ahmed, 27, who runs Raja Foods in St Marks Road, Easton, said he was stunned to open the remorseful letter.

It begins: "Dear Sirs, I am writing this letter to make amends to you for something I have done in the past."

Mr Ahmed said the thief's change of heart was "really good" and he intends to give the money to a drugs' charity.

The thief's letter continues: "About seven years ago I was walking past your shop late one night when I noticed that someone had broken into it.

Make amends

"I used this opportunity to enter your shop where I stole 400 cigarettes. The money enclosed (£100) is to pay for those cigarettes which I stole from you.

"At that time I was heavily using drugs and my life was in a mess, now I no longer use drugs and I strive to lead a decent and honest life.

"As part of my ongoing recovery I try to put right all of the wrongs I have done in the past, at least where I can, and this is why I am giving you back the money which I stole from you.

"I regret the harm I caused you in the past and I sincerely apologise to you for it.

"I was very wrong to do this and I hope that returning the money will make up for this harm, at least in some small way."